The Maurice Academy of Design and Craft (MADC) is an institution that envisions itself as the Premier Institution for High Quality Training and Development in the field of Design and Craft at affordable prices in Trinidad and Tobago. 


MADC is committed to provide high quality Training and Development in Design & Craft to a range of target groups using a variety of effective delivery modes and methods at affordable prices.


The Academy started training operations in April 2012 after being incorporated months earlier in September 2011. It places great focus on the development of the Creative Arts Sector. We seek to provide alternative training and certification to the listed groups of learners:

  • Persons seeking to retool with another skill towards a new career pathway;

  • Learners who have an interest to be certified in creative arts;

  • Individuals who want to acquire new skills;

  • Artisans seeking to update or upgrade their existing skill;

  • Students on vacation who have an interest in learning a craft;

  • Persons who have an occasional interest in craft.

As a consequence, our objective is to enable these groups to productively contribute to the social and economic development of our society.


The Academy is led by Mrs. Merle Maurice-Grell, Managing Director, who is a Retired Teacher/School Administrator. Mrs. Maurice-Grell has been an Educator for overforty (40) years with added experience in Administration for the past ten (10) years. She has a wide range of training and developmental experience in Adult Education and holds a Bachelor of Education Degree with the University of New Brunswick, Canada/University of the West Indies (UNB/UWI). Having a passion for pastoral care and community development she pursued an Associate Degree in Pastoral Ministry at the Catholic Religious Education Development Institute (CREDI). This is another feature of her dynamic personality that gives her the capacity to relate to the social and development needs of our clients. Mrs. Maurice-Grell brings to the Academy dynamic leadership and interpersonal skills that adds further value to the delivery of the quality service that the Academy currently offers.

In addition to Mrs. Merle Maurice-Grell, the organization has a cadre of skilled and certified individuals on its Board of Directors. Combined, they carry years of training and experience in Education, Management and Skills Development. These skill-sets give the capacity to the institution to implement critical learning strategies for the sustainable development in the creative arts sector.